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brownie publishing 為香港出版社,致力推動視覺藝術與攝影集文化,並期望能讓大眾認識更多優秀的影像創作者。



2015年6月,作為本社首個企劃,brownie 與視覺藝術創作者及策展人葉曉燕(Rachel IP) 小姐合辦「100香港人自攝像」的相片徵集活動,收集不同香港人的自拍像,並以此進行展覽及出版同名攝影集。



“brownie publishing” is a Hong Kong based publisher. Aim for promoting visual art and photobook culture, brownie dedicated to discover and introduce local talent artists to the general public.


Ever since the popularization of cameras and social networking, photography has become part of Hong Konger’s daily routine. However, photography as artistic creation seems somewhat remote and unrealistic. Therefore, brownie publishing seek to explore the medium through people, environment as well as our culture, in a way to discover the infinite possibilities in the creation of art.


In June 2015, as a kick off project, brownie collaborated with visual artist and curator, Ms. Rachel IP in producing a visual art project “100 Self-Portraits of Hongkongese” - an open recruitment of self-portraits of local Hong Konger. The self-portraits were subsequently selected and compiled into a photobook and presented in an open exhibition.


Our Services  我們的服務

​brownie publishing 除以出版及網絡書店為主要業務外,亦提供各類與文化藝術相關的服務,如活動籌辦(展覽、分享會、發佈會、工作坊等)、公關及推廣服務、藝術家/團體/機構品牌管理,以及製作、設計與印刷服務等。


“brownie publishing” is focusing on publishing and online bookstore, we also provide art and culture related services such as events organizing (eg. artist talk, exhibition, workshop, book launch etc.), PR and promotion services, artist/organization brand management and also design, printing and production services.

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